20 maio 2008

O que é mais importante: o telefone móvel, ou seu cérebro?

Em recente artigo da publicação online Fitness Saved My Life, é tratado o assunto de uso de telefones móveis e como a continuidade de tal atividade pode afetar o cérebro dos usuários.
O artigo nada mais é do que o relato de Enrico Grani, 41 anos, residente na Austrália, que usou telefone celular, intensivamente, por mais de 10 anos, tendo contraído, em decorrência, um tumor no cérebro.
Aqueles que desejarem mais informações, podem consultar o endereço a seguir: mercola.com.

4 comentários:

crisdias disse...

Tá, legal, mas... assim... A única coisa que o cara fez em 10 anos foi usar o celular? Nada mais pode ter causado o tumor? É uma relação bem simplificada de causa-efeito. E todas as outras pessoas no mundo que usaram celular por 10 anos e não tiveram um tumor no cérebro?

Anônimo disse...

ChrisDias : do your home work before you open up your mouth or do you work for the cell phone industry ?
Why are you so ignorante

Via con Dios :-)

Enrico Grani = Ancora Vivo, per sempre !

crisdias disse...

Yeah, right, personally offending me will TOTALLY bring me to your side.

All I did was ask questions, how about you answering some?

PS: I am glad you are fine, if you are the real Enrico of course.

Anônimo disse...

Hi ChrisDias - Thank you for posting my article on your web-site you will have saved so many lives.

The lives of the Children is important to save as they are the future of the next generation.

Regarding your question, which is offensive and you know it is considering I have had 3 strokes - I have been 3 days in a coma and I am disabled.

After the last stroke I researched the scientific studies (for 11 months) from BOTH sides I found a significant cause and effect. My symptoms, my phone statements and the side the brain tumor located on the same side as the phone all equals to cell phones caused my brain tumor.

Now because of mistakes that the hospitals have made I am now on more medication (15 tablets a day)

I am now Electro-Hypersensitive in high Electromagnetic-Radiation areas and my body will not function properly. I become very drained and must sleep for 4 days non stop - I get extreme burning sensation and I feel many times like my flesh is peeling off my bones. My face hurts the most.

Would you want to be like me, would you like others to be like me ?

I want to believe you would like them to be healthy and this is why I have gone public and I have been interviewed on TV recently.

Peace - Enrico Grani
P.S if you would like any more information please remmber that my time is limited between Doctors visits, however I am more than happy to to recieve any email from you at.


Hopefully I am not in hospital or visiting the Doctors and I will reply as soon as I can. Peace be with you. Enrico Grani ;-)